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Gin and Tonic Cheesecake, Pancakes & Other Gin Baking Recipes


We can all more than likely agree that gin is delicious.

It can be enjoyed mixed into classic gin cocktails and frozen slushies, poured over ice and added to tonic water for a refreshing treat. But, what if we told you that you can also introduce gin to your baked goods? Would you be spending more time in the kitchen?

Today, we are going to be sharing three of our favourite gin recipes with you. Make sure that you have your gin recipe book to hand, you might want to note some of these down. If you do try to bake any of these, then we would love to see your creations on Instagram with #ginandtonicly or share with us on Facebook.

Gin & Tonic Cake
Gin & Tonic Cake – Submitted by ‎Sarah Desborough‎

1. Gin and Tonic Cake


– 75ml BLOOM London Dry Gin
– 150ml Fever-Tree Light Mediterranean Tonic Water
– 2tsp Fresh Juniper Berries
– 1 Fresh Lime
– 50g Natural Yoghurt
– Pink Gin Cream
– 4 Eggs
– 350g Golden Caster Sugar
– 250g Salted Butter


1. Before you begin, pre-heat your oven to 180C.

2. Line two 20cm cake tins with baking parchment.

3. In a mixing bowl, beat together 200g of the sugar and the salted butter.

4. Add the eggs, beating the mixture between each one.

5. Fold the flour into the mixture.

6. Mix the BLOOM London Dry Gin, juice from half of your lime and natural yoghurt. Add this to the cake mixture.

7. Separate the mixture between both of your pre-lined cake tins.

8. Bake each cake for approximately 30 minutes. Use a skewer to make sure that your cakes are cooked.

9. While your cakes are cooking, mix the rest of the sugar, fresh juniper berries, Fever-Tree Tonic Water and the juice from half of your lime in a hot pan. Keep stirring until you achieve a syrup-like consistency.

10. Remove your cakes from the oven. Use a fork to make holes in your cakes and spoon over your tonic syrup mixture.

11. Assemble your cakes by spreading your M&S Pink Gin Cream between both layers. Use any leftover gin cream to decorate the top of the cake, perhaps using a piping bag to add an extra layer of elegance.

TIP: You can get creative with your toppings, try adding a raspberry or cherry syrup made with gin and tonic to give it even more of a gin kick!

Gin Tonic Cake
Gin Tonic Cake

2. Gin Infused Cheesecake


– 75ml Sipsmith London Dry Gin
– 250g Digestives
– 100g Butter
– 100g Icing Sugar
– 600g Philadelphia
– 250ml Double Cream
– 1 Fresh Lime


1. Before you begin, line a loose-bottomed tin with baking parchment.

2. Take your digestives and place them in a zip-lock bag. Using a rolling pin, crush them until they resemble fine crumbs.

3. Pour your digestive crumbs into a mixing bowl, and add your melted butter. Using a spoon, stir your mixture until all of your digestive crumbs are thoroughly coated.

4. Pour your coated crumbs into your pre-lined tin and press them down with the back of a wooden spoon. When you are done, place the tin into the fridge and leave it to set for around an hour.

5. While your base is setting, beat together your Philadelphia and icing sugar in a mixing bowl. Take your fresh lime and a grater and add some lime zest to the mixture. Beat again.

6. Slowly pour your Sipsmith London Dry Gin and double cream into the mixture, beating until the mixture has a thick consistency.

7. Remove your base from the fridge and pour over your filling, ensuring that you smooth down the top. When you are done, leave the cheesecake in the fridge to set overnight.

8. Before serving, you may wish to top your cheesecake with broken meringues, fruit slices, lime wedges or even a raspberry or cherry syrup made with gin and tonic.

Gin & Tonic Cheesecake
Gin & Tonic Cheesecake submitted by Stephanie Robbins

3. Gin and Tonic American Pancakes


– 270g Plain Flour
– 50g Caster Sugar
– 4tbsp Melted Butter
– 2tsp Baking Powder
– 1tsp Salt
– 260ml Milk
– 2 Large Eggs

– 250ml Sipsmith London Dry Gin & Tonic
– 25g Caster Sugar
– 1 Fresh Lemon


1. Sift your dry ingredients into a large mixing bowl.

2. In a separate bowl, lightly whisk your milk and eggs.

3. Melt your butter and add it to your milk and eggs. Whisk until all of your ingredients appear to have combined.

4. Pour your wet ingredients into your dry ingredients. Beat all of your ingredients together until you are left with a smooth, lump-free batter.

5. Take a non-stick frying pan and put it over a medium heat. Add a small knob of butter to the frying pan.

6. Using a ladle, tip a spoonful of pancake mixture into your pan. Flip your pancake once it appears to bubble, and continue until both sides of your pancake are a golden colour.

7. To make your gin-infused syrup, pour a can of Sipsmith London Dry Gin & Tonic into a saucepan. Add your caster sugar and some fresh lemon juice.

8. Keep the syrup over the heat until it appears to be of the correct consistency.

9. Serve your pancakes and gin-infused syrup whilst they are both warm, perhaps decorating them with some of your favourite fruits.

Gin & Tonic Pancakes
Gin & Tonic Pancakes

Get Baking!

There you have it, three easy gin baking recipes that you can follow from the comfort of your kitchen. We would highly recommend making either the gin and tonic cake or the gin and tonic cheesecake the next time you have a party, as they are certain to go down a treat with your guests.

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